
The all-in-one Docker image of STRique contains all its dependencies and is build automatically on dockerHub. The compressed docker image size is ~700 MB. From the Docker shell run:

docker pull giesselmann/strique

The container is tagged with the package version. To obtain a specific version run e.g.:

docker pull giesselmann/strique:v0.3.0

Docker images can get access to the hosts file system with mounts of type bind. Test the container by mounting your current directory:

docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=/host giesselmann/strique:v0.3.0

Inside of the container type

ls -l /host

to see the files of the host system from where the container was started. Leave a running container with exit.

You may want to test the container on the included example data. After starting the container with

docker run -it giesselmann/strique:v0.3.0

you can use the commands listed under test except that you don't need to change the directory anymore.