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STRique works on raw nanopore read data in either single or bulk fast5 format. Batches of single reads in tar archives work as well. Before starting the repeat detection the raw data folder must be indexed to enable extraction of single reads. The index file contains relative paths to the reads and must be saved in the indexed directory.

python3 scripts/ index [OPTIONS] input

positional arguments:
  input                     Input batch or directory of batches

optional arguments:
  --recursive               Recursively scan input
  --out_prefix OUT_PREFIX   Prefix for file paths in output
  --tmp_prefix TMP_PREFIX   Prefix for temporary data

The command to recursively index the raw data archive could look similar to the following. Indexing is only required once after the sequencing is completed.

python3 ~/src/STRique/scripts/ index \
--recursive ~/my_data > ~/my_data/reads.fofn

The index file reads.fofn contains relative paths to the raw files and must therefore be saved in the right location. You can configure an --out_prefix to be prepended to each entry in the index. This is useful to index sub-directories while storing indices at a central location e.g.:

python3 ~/src/STRique/scripts/ index \
--recursive --out_prefix my_sample ~/my_data/my_sample > ~/my_data/my_sample.fofn


Targeted repeats are configured in a tab-separated (.tsv) file with columns

chr  begin  end  name  repeat  prefix  suffix

The file must have the header line and can contain as many repeats as present/targeted by enrichment. For the hexanucleotide repeat at the c9orf72 locus the (truncated) config for hg19 alignments looks like this (A complete example file is in the config folder of the STRique repository):

chr9  27573527  27573544  c9orf72  GGCCCC  ...GCCCCGACCACGCCCC  TAGCGCGCGACTCCTG...

STRique will only consider aligned reads where the mapping including soft-clipping at least partially covers one of the configured targets. The longer the prefix/ suffix sequences, the more reliable the signal alignment at the cost of a longer runtime. A good estimate is 150 Bp for prefix and suffix. Repeat, prefix and suffix sequence are always on template strand.

Repeat Counting

The repeat detection requires an indexed raw data archive and the alignment of the reads:

python3 scripts/ count [OPTIONS] f5 model repeat

positional arguments:
  f5Index          Fast5 index
  model            pore model
  repeat           repeat region config file

optional arguments:
  --out OUT               output file name, if not given print to stdout
  --algn ALGN             alignment in sam format, if not given read from stdin
  --mod_model MOD_MODEL   Base modification pore model
  --config CONFIG         Config file with HMM transition probabilities
  --t T                   Number of processes to use in parallel
  --log_level             Detailed output {error,warning,info,debug}

The command to detect repeat lengths could look similar to:

cat ~/my_data.hg19.sam | python3 ~/src/STRique/scripts/ count \
~/my_data/reads.fofn ~/src/STRique/models/r9_4_450bps.model \
~/src/STRique/configs/repeat_config.tsv \
> ~/my_data.hg19.strique.tsv

For Docker users the container needs to mount the host file system to access the raw data. To process the same dataset as above run:

docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=${HOME},target=/host \
cat /host/my_data.hg19.sam | python3 scripts/ count \
/host/my_data/reads.fofn models/r9_4_450bps.model \
configs/repeat_config.tsv > /host/my_data.hg19.strique.tsv

Please note that changes made to the Docker filesystem are not persistent and will be lost after exiting the container. Make sure to write the output to a file on the host.